Monday, January 27, 2014

What is The Law Doing About The Knock Out Game? Absolutely Nothing That's What!

The new trend with poor urban African American men and teen age boys, is to come up to an innocent white person and knock them out with one punch. The victim passes out, sometimes even dies.
What does the law do about this? Nothing. That's what, Absolutely nothing.
There  was a teenage boy, that killed a man with the knock out punch, and was charged with battery. He was put in jail for five days. That was all.
Where is justice with all of this?
I got so concerned  about this issue, that I called the Police and I spoke with two police officers. Here is what they had  to say.
"I never heard about the knock out game." One of the Officers said. "Perhaps you can bring your concern in one of our meetings." He said.
Here is what another Officer said. "We are aware of this, but we can't do anything about this unless there is chatter on face book."
This is insane! This knock out game, is insane, and the law is doing nothing about it.
This game that the African American men and boys are doing should have much stiffer punishment.
It is sad that it has to be this way.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Knock out Game

The knock out game, is a recent dangerous trend among African American men and  teenage  boys who are underclass or from the  ghetto. They walk beside a  white  person and  knock out the white person out with one sucker punch. They target old people and  women.
This game is done in every state in the  UsofA.
This is not a race thing. This is not a hate crime against whites. It is a battery crime thing. Some whites even die from the knock out punch.
Little is being done about this. African men and teen aged boys are getting away with murder. There is no stiff punishment about this game. And white people  have to suffer.
I called the  non emergency police about this and broached this concern. Here is what one officer said. "I never heard about this. Perhaps you can tell this concern in one of our meetings, held here."
Another police officer said this. "We are aware  about this, but we can't do anything about it, unless there is chatter on facebook."
Something has to be done about this horrific crime. On the  internet, there are a lot of stories and pictures about this knock out game. In the pictures, I was horrified. I saw white people down on the ground passed out. I have seen pictures of white people with massive facial injuries because  of this terrible game.
Nobody is doing anything about this. It is a crime that goes without punishment.

About Me

Chicago, Illinois, United States
Hi! I'm cathy Markus. I have a husband and two kitties. I love to creative write, I like to socialize, compose music for my flute, write music for the piano, eat asian food and eat my husbands home cooking(He's a Chef,) read and sing and dance. I'd love to have some friends here.